
The elbow is the joint that connects the upper arm to the forearm, allowing the arm to bend, extend and rotate. An elbow injury can cause severe pain, swelling, and limited mobility. These conditions often result from overuse, repetitive motions, or inflammation around the elbow joint. If you are experiencing elbow pain, it is crucial to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.


Causes of Elbow Pain

Golfer’s and Baseball Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
Medial epicondylitis is caused by the excessive force used to bend the wrist toward the palm. This can happen when swinging a golf club or pitching a baseball.  It is characterized by pain from the elbow to the wrist on the palm side of the forearm.

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
Tennis elbow is often caused by the force of the tennis racket hitting balls in the backhand position.  It is characterized by pain in the back side of the elbow and forearm.

Olecranon Bursitis
inflammation of the bursa located over the olecranon process (the bony prominence at the back of the elbow). Common causes include trauma or repetitive pressure. Symptoms may include swelling, pain, and limited range of motion. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications are often part of the treatment. Severe cases may require aspiration or other medical interventions.

Struggling with elbow pain? Explore the available treatments for your elbow pain here



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